Friday, March 21, 2014

Civil War Generals: Revealed Through Letters


  1. I thought that this was a very good video and it was a very well planned out representation of their topic. It is interesting to think about their correspondence with each other and they're loved ones off the battlefield where no one is witness to their words and feeling and how it may have effected their actions and strategy during the war. Tiffany and Danielle did a wonderful job presenting the information clearly and abundantly in only 5 minutes. ~ Lauren Miele

  2. I think that overall you did a very good job with this assignment. It is very interesting how you chose to use letters to understand important civil war generals. I think the way you analyzed the primary source documents was very powerful and you achieved your goal of explaining generals and their personal beliefs and motives through their letters. You both chose a very creative topic, good job!

  3. This video was beautifully composed. The topic was very creative. I loved how you both stated the primary sources than analyzed and let the viewer analyze what the text was saying. This allowed me to pick out biases and motives that the generals truly had. These details are not always apparent in text book readings. It was so insightful learning about the personal lives of the generals because many times we forget that the war wasn't their only life and that like us and other civilians at the time they had families. Overall extremely impressive.

  4. The way you used the letters to give emotion and feeling to the story of the civil war rather then have the watcher look upon it compassionately was really amazing! The details and personal stances for the generals was also very interesting. Of special note was the overall presentation, with all the visuals being well chosen and filmed. Great Job!
    Jacob Edelman

  5. I really like how you guys created the video, it's very impressive. I really enjoyed how the you guys presented the primary sources and thought that the idea of using the letters of generals to get a greater understanding of the war was interesting and unique! Over all it was really great.

  6. Hey guys,
    You guys did a great job on your video and really enjoyed watching it because it was something different that no one else had thought about. I also have to commend you guys because doing primary source research is very difficult. And your entire project was primary sources. Good job.

  7. I really enjoyed watching your video and found it both educational and interesting. I was very surprised to learn more about some of the letters written and ideas that came about such as Robert E. Lee's idea of using slaves, which is one that I myself had never heard of. Overall your documentary was very well thought out and put together. Good work!
