Friday, September 19, 2014

Chapter Eight Debate Reflection

            As I began researching points for the three statements, I had an idea of which side I agreed with based on my previous knowledge.  Due to this prior information, coming up with points was not incredibly challenging, whereas finding primary sources to backup my opinions was.  The most difficult aspect of the research was being able to defend the viewpoint I did not personally agree with.  However, I appreciate having the opportunity to look at different sides and expand my knowledge through different points of view.  I also found it difficult to relate previous events to current ideas, but I appreciate the challenge to draw connections.

            During class, I loved being able to listen to the other debates and hearing the ideas of my classmates.  By working in partners and observing other groups, I learned their viewpoints and saw connections I did not initially realize.  Also, I thought it was interesting being able to watch people argue against a statement they did not particularly agree with.  I was impressed by how well they were able to come up with and defend their points.  Also I was surprised by the rebuttal, since I was expecting most groups to rely on pre-prepared points but they were able to really listen to the other group, internalize the information and make a connection that would support their point.  I really enjoyed the debate process and I look forward to doing another one!


  1. Hi Tiffany, I enjoyed your comments and look forward to seeing your blog background again.

  2. Tiffany, what happened to your background?

  3. It appears that you have figured out how to get your blog back to the original colors.

    1. Hmm that's interesting...I changed absolutely nothing. Perhaps my blog had a bit of an identity crisis!
